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 2023-06-04    50  


1、英语对话短文带翻译篇一 Lily: Ann,what are you doing?安,你在干什么呢?Ann: I’m reading a play.我在读一个剧本。


日常英语对话范文带翻译篇1 病人: Doctor, do you mind me to have some words with you?医生,你介意我和你谈几句吗?医生: Yes, I do.我介意。病人: Please, I have no time.拜托了,我没什么时间了。

I love sashimi. Did mom bring any soy sauce for that?我喜欢寿司。妈妈带酱油来了吗?Benjamin:I suppose she did. Be quiet. There is a fish on the hook. Here it is. Look, a big one.我想她带了。

日常英语对话带翻译篇一 杨: My wife always plains when I *** oke. She says *** oking is the worst thing.我的太太在我抽菸的时候一直抱怨。她说抽菸是最坏的事情。

经典英语对话范文带翻译篇1 be off the beam 走歪门邪道 【讲解】off the beam的本义是脱离方向,由此,该习语引申为离开了正路,步人歧途。

英语对话短文带翻译篇一 Lily: Ann,what are you doing?安,你在干什么呢?Ann: I’m reading a play.我在读一个剧本。


1、A: Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the zoo?打扰了,你能告诉我怎么去动物园吗?B: Sorry, I don’t know。I’m new here. Please ask that girl。对不起。我不知道。我是新来的。

2、Oh!Shandong.The beers made in Shandong is tasty.哦,山东啊。山东的啤酒很美味。Thank you.谢谢 Next time ,I will have a trip to Shandong.下一次,我就回去山东旅游。

3、简单英语对话带翻译篇1 A:He always likes to say something as if all his geese are swans.A: 他谈论问题时总喜欢言过其实。

4、日常英语对话带翻译篇一 杨: My wife always plains when I *** oke. She says *** oking is the worst thing.我的太太在我抽菸的时候一直抱怨。她说抽菸是最坏的事情。


简单英语对话短文带翻译篇一 A:It seems to me that you fall for good-looking guys.A:好像你挺喜欢帅小伙的。B:Yeah.B:是的。

I love sashimi. Did mom bring any soy sauce for that?我喜欢寿司。妈妈带酱油来了吗?Benjamin:I suppose she did. Be quiet. There is a fish on the hook. Here it is. Look, a big one.我想她带了。

Molly:Of course, all international offices use English.当然了,所有跨国公司都使用英语。

日常英语对话带翻译篇一 杨: My wife always plains when I *** oke. She says *** oking is the worst thing.我的太太在我抽菸的时候一直抱怨。她说抽菸是最坏的事情。

英语对话短文带翻译篇一 Lily: Ann,what are you doing?安,你在干什么呢?Ann: I’m reading a play.我在读一个剧本。



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