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 2023-06-06    38  


1、The more difficult something is, the more rewarding it is in the end. New beginning, new life. Tomorrows another day. 幻想出来的痛苦一样可以伤人。


我喜爱他,可他却不喜爱我,每一次他与被人分手,我都陪着他。I like him, but he doesnt like me. Every time he breaks up eone.1每次我从你的眼光嗅到天堂的香,在梦里牵着你飞过一地月光。

The so-called miss, just a persons wishful thinking. 1想有个简单的地方,可以容纳我的心情。 Want to have a simple place, can accommodate my mood. 1多好,我深爱的少年他也深爱着我。

表达心情的英语短句1 不是因为我执着,而是因为你值得。 Not because I am persistent, but because you are worth it. 回忆淹没我们,时间拆散我们。 Memories drown us, time breaks us. 走自己的路,让别人打车去吧。


关于好心情的英语谚语经典篇 A bad day never has a good night.倒霉的一天不会有安眠的一晚。A merry heart goes all the way.生性乐观,事事顺利。A merry heart makes a long life.乐观的个性终身受用。

Wrath kills the foolish man.愤怒害死愚要人。

Be a I ways as merry as ever you can, for no one delights in a sorrowful man. 务请心情常欢畅,只因无人喜忧伤。In moderating, not satisfying, desires,lies peace,节欲不纵情,心情得安宁。

让心态去改变心情,别让心情改变了你的心态。Let the mood change your mood, dont let the mood change your mood.世间很多事情,常常是我们没有珍视身边所拥有的,而当失去它时才又悔恨。



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