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 2023-04-24    83  


关于服装的英语对话篇1 S: How about this one?这件怎么样?C: The design and the color are quite OK, but I dont like the material.式样和颜色都不错,但我不喜欢这种面料。


买衣服英语口语对话1 SaleSman: Is there anything I can do for you?售货员:有什么我能帮您的吗?Custcxri: I warrta Shirt.顾客:我想买件衬衫。

关于买卖衣服的英语对话篇1 A:Hi, sir. Come and have a look here. We have all kinds of sweaters.你好,先生。过来看看吧。我们这儿有各种各样的羊毛衫。

关于买衣服的英语对话一 A:Good morning, madam. We have a variety of pants. Which one do you like best?早上好,夫人!我们有各种款式的裤子。

你好!很高兴为你解答,买外套情景对话 甲:刘坤 乙:佘杰 甲 May I help you ?我能帮你吗?乙 Yes, please. I want to buy a coat for myself. 是的。我想给自己买件外套。


关于服装的英语对话篇1 S: How about this one?这件怎么样?C: The design and the color are quite OK, but I dont like the material.式样和颜色都不错,但我不喜欢这种面料。

关于买衣服的英语对话一 A:Good morning, madam. We have a variety of pants. Which one do you like best?早上好,夫人!我们有各种款式的裤子。

关于买卖衣服的英语对话篇1 A:Hi, sir. Come and have a look here. We have all kinds of sweaters.你好,先生。过来看看吧。我们这儿有各种各样的羊毛衫。

关于服装展英语对话一 A:These are new arrivals.这些是新上市的。B:Let me have a look.我看看。A:Try them if you like.如果你喜欢,可以穿上试试。

Maybe a little dearer, but the quality is very good.\价格可能稍贵些,不过,质量非常好。Its in fashion now.\现在正流行。It looks just great on you.您穿这衣服真是棒极了。


关于买衣服的英语对话一 A:Good morning, madam. We have a variety of pants. Which one do you like best?早上好,夫人!我们有各种款式的裤子。

买衣服英语口语对话1 SaleSman: Is there anything I can do for you?售货员:有什么我能帮您的吗?Custcxri: I warrta Shirt.顾客:我想买件衬衫。

关于买卖衣服的英语对话篇1 A:Hi, sir. Come and have a look here. We have all kinds of sweaters.你好,先生。过来看看吧。我们这儿有各种各样的羊毛衫。

B: Yes. I want to buy a shirt. 是的。我想要买一件衬衫。A: What colour do you like? 你喜欢什么颜色?B: I like blue. 我喜欢蓝色。

关于购物英语情景对话篇一 S: Good afternoon, maam. Can I help you find an hing?店员:午安,小姐。要我帮你找东西吗?C: No, thanks. Im just looking.顾客:不用,谢谢,我只是看看而已。

这件衣服很适合你。A:All right. I think Ill take it.行,我买了。关于购物英文小对话带翻译二 A:Do you want any meat today, Mrs. Bird?波德太太,你今天要点肉吗?B:Yes, please.是的。



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